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19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes Cabernet Sauvignon is definitely a drink for the good times with its rich history and delicious palate. Dark cherry fruit, red currants, and chocolate, and the soft tannins provide a lingering finish.

19 Crimes Malbec 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. This Argentinian Malbec is delicious, filled with dark cherry fruit, soft tannins and a subtle sweetness.

19 Crimes Pinot Noir 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. Medium bodied with soft, round tannins, cherry and strawberry fruit sweetness which complements spice oak undertones.

19 Crimes Red Blend 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. The Red Blend is full and round on the palate with a distinct sweetness and spice, giving a rich and round mouth feel.

19 Crimes Shiraz 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. The 19 Crimes Shiraz is full of flavours of raspberries, dark plums, and chocolate. Plush tannins provide a lingering finish.

19 Crimes The Uprising Rum Aged Red 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes The Uprising Rum Aged Red Aged spends 30 days in rum barrels. Intensely rich with a jammy finish. Notes of sweet mocha, caramel and spice.

30 Mile Shiraz 750ml

Deep intense red with purple hues. Fresh lifted wine of ripe dark berry spicy fruit with some herb notes balance with some oak. Full bodied wine showing fresh lively dark fruits of black currants, herbs and balanced with some subdued spicy integrated oak. Excellent partner to all types of red meats especially a juicy steak with red onion jam. This wine has the flavour, structure and balance to be enjoyed now or offers added satisfaction from further cellaring.

Abilius Tempranillo Grenache Cabernet 750ml

A delicious blend of Tempranillo, Grenache and Cabernet Sauvignon. Ripe berry fruits extend on to the palate finishing with soft but satisfying rich tannins.

Aces & Arrows Wine Co. Pinot Noir 750ml

The wine exhibits vibrant dark berry aromas with hints of spice and smoke. Fermenting with wild yeasts has created a wine with weight and complexity with abundant flavours of dark cherry and plum. Complemented with fine supple tannins, hints of pepper and spice and a savory oak finish. This wine is drinking well now, it will develop more complexity if carefully cellared for up to three or four years.

Aleixo Garcia Tinto 750ml

This wine is perfect. Table wine its Paired with rage , Fruity Dry oak and dark fruit

Amisfield Pinot Noir 750ml

Highly aromatic with bright cherry and redcurrant, lifted red fruits coupled with savoury spice and dried herb offer an alluring and enticing nose. The palate is elegant and refined with fruit intensity matched with a supple and silky tannin structure.

Anciano 10 Years Gran Reserva Tempranillo 750ml

A range of different characteristics can be identified on the nose - black cherry fruit, spicy notes of leather and musk, tobacco and vanilla oak. Medium to full bodied with some finesse, concentrated red fruit compote flavours and smooth, mellow tannins on the finish.
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