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Dows Tawny Port 750ml

A superb Tawny from a leading Port house. Dow's Tawny is a very fine and delicate style, with pretty red fruits balanced by nutty depth derived from an average of three years aging in small oak casks. Owned by the historic and also very modern Symington family stable of Ports, the Dow's has both pedigree and sheer quality on its side.

Fonseca 10YO Tawny Port 750ml

Fonseca 10 Year Old Tawny is russet in colour with brilliant crimson highlights and a fragrant, ripe-fruit bouquet. Its smooth, silky texture and subtle oak nuances are balanced by a fresh acidity and tannic 'grip' that culminate in a long, elegant, plumy finish.

Fonseca Tawny Port 750ml

Fonseca Tawny spends three years ageing in small wooden casks, generally holding about 630 litres. As it matures in cask, Tawny Port gradually loses the deep red 'ruby' colour of youth and takes on the seductive amber hue known as 'tawny'.

Galway Pipe 12YO Grand Tawny 750ml

One of the best kept secrets in Australia. Galway Pipe was named after the governor of South Australia from 1914-1920, Sir Henry Galway. He would visit the winery and select the finest 'pipes' (500 Litre barrels) of Grand Tawny. This Grand Tawny is aged in oak barrels for an average of 12 years, and is an exquisite and rich blend of character filled varieties. Notes of dark dried fruit, raisins, dried pears, grilled nuts and spicy, toasty oak. Sweetness and acidity perfectly balanced.

Galway Pipe 25YO Rare Tawny 500ml

With a rich history & highly regarded reputation, the Galway Pipe name is synonymous with premium Australian fortified wine. Our 25YO is an exceptional step-up with unparalleled structure & depth, making use of highly limited parcels of aged tawny, some parcels exceeding 25 years old. Only 1,000 cases produced each year.

Graham's 10YO Tawny Port 750ml

This wine is fine deep tawny colour, with complex nutty aromas combined with hints of honey and figs. On the palate, rich mature fruit flavours, beautifully mellowed and a luscious long finish. Taste slightly chilled to appreciate the full complexity and sensuous pleasure of this wine.

Graham's 20YO Tawny Port 750ml

Graham's 20 Years Old has an excellent bouquet, with a characteristic 'nutty' character (almonds) and delicious mature fruit with hints of orange peel, exquisitely mellowed by careful ageing. Rich, sweet and smooth on the palate, it is perfectly balanced, with a long and lingering finish.

Graham's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Graham's Tawny Port offers a fine balance of fruitiness and nuttiness, derived from ageing in casks. A very versatile style of Port, suitable for drinking on any occasion. Reddish tawny colour, with ripe fruit aromas nicely balanced by hints dried fuits, and on the palate slightly dry, elegant and smooth.

Graham's Six Grapes Reserve Port 750ml

Dark red colour, with a seductive rich perfume of ripe plums and cherries. On the palate, complex, with a good structure and a long lingering finish.

Grant Burge 10YO Tawny 750ml

A smooth and silky tawny that delivers rich nut-infused aromatics and fresh fruit characters. Made from the Barossa's traditional tawny varieties, Grenache, Mataro and Shiraz and blended via a solera-based system to an average of 10 years, the palate is sweet and mellow, but finishes deliciously dry.

Harveys Solera Sherry The Bristol Cream 750ml

No. 1 Sherry Brand Globally. Appearance is a deep golden colour. Full and fragrant on the nose, elegant and pungent. Palate is a full-bodied, rich, mellow, long lasting and velvety. 80% Palomino & 20% Pedro Ximénez grapes. Enjoy Harveys Bristol Cream over ice with a fresh lemon wedge. Enjoy chilled.

Nola's Rich Cream 1.5 Litre

Nola's Rich Cream is made from New Zealand grown grapes, ripened to perfection and fortified to retain a luscious sweetness. Rich and smooth, best served slightly chilled with your favourite dessert or in your favourite trifle recipe. Not only a delicious dessert wine, Nola's Rich Cream is also perfect to sip over the course of a meal, to bring out the full flavours of this sherry like wine. Particularly delicious with olives, nuts, cured meats, fish dishes and hard salty cheese.
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